"UCF's Voicebox Just Won Halloween"
"Move aside "Thriller" and "This Is Halloween," there's a new Halloween theme song in town.
The juxtaposition of the project's tone with the at times angelic and choral sounding vocals is enough to add an extra layer of freight and wonder to All Hallows' Eve. This is sure to be a staple for Halloweens to come."
- CollegeAca (October 2017)
"The group continued with Panic! At the Disco’s “This Is Gospel.” [A] nice soft opening on this one, which turned out to foreshadow the performance to follow...
- The A Cappella Blog (2016 ICCA Finals)
Voicebox Crowned 2016 "SoJam Champions"
Within two months of the school year Voicebox was off to Georgia to compete in the National SoJam Competition!
Presented with three themes, Voicebox prepared eight songs for the 2016 Collegiate Competition. Advancing past the first two elimination rounds - Love and Southern - they were crowned the SoJam Champions after a head to head round against Carnegie Melon's fierce all-male group, The Originals.

"UCF's Voicebox Ignites The Holiday Spirit"
"If you were ever wondering if cappella do it all, wonder no more.
The debate on whether or not vocals can drive the same level of energy and passion as instrumentation is put to rest with this impressive video by Voicebox.
We officially have an aca-rock opera cover, say that ten times fast, that is our newly dubbed "Official Track of the Christmas Season."
- CollegeAca (December 2017)
"The a cappella scene in Florida is crowded, the number of top-tier groups positively swelling at this point. As such, Voicebox had escaped my attention until 2016.
In the year 2016, there was no ignoring Voicebox.
Voicebox won the ICCA South this year and made their debut on the Finals stage, where they immediately set themselves to the task of leaving an impression, starting with a spooky bit of “Come Little Children” from Hocus Pocus before exhibiting terrific restraint on a subdued imagining of Panic! At the Disco’s “This Is Gospel,” and nailing the audience with the big sound of “Victorious.” And so, Voicebox was on the map on a national scale—a milestone they only built upon this fall, winning SoJam’s scholastic competition. With this accomplishment the group has hinted at the most impressive piece of all—they may be even better in 2017."
- The A Cappella Blog (Top Ten Groups You Can't Miss)
Latest News
"UCF's Voicebox Reaches International
A Cappella Finals"
- UCF News